Sunday, July 13, 2008

Week 1

It's been exactly 1 week since we signed in, met our hall mates, and settled in for UCSD COSMOS. I haven't exactly been keeping up with the blog because it seems like most of what people say on the blog gets really repetitive. We all take the same courses and partake in the same events and we are more or less united in feelings when it comes to the programs and I don't want to be part of the rhythmic, monotone crowd. (Just kidding, love all those posts, they usually accurately reflect my thoughts as well.) But yes, I do have some individual thoughts…

Daily Life
The food here is nothing special, it keeps us fed and sustains us through the days quite well. Of course, it’s the best cafeteria food I’ve ever had and I expect nothing more. The cluster/dorm hall spirit is really amazing. I love how we all have our inside jokes and stories. I doubt any of us in Cluster 1 would hesitate to help out a fellow cluster mate and the suite life is the ideal college dorm experience: there is little that we would not share, whether it concerned thoughts, concerns, or materialistic needs. We have all become a close-knit family and I am amazed that it has only been a week since this all began.
Fun Times
I really enjoy the weekend activities. While all the course instructions during the weekdays are (mostly) exciting, the weekend activities really made COSMOS feel like “summer camp” (as opposed to “summer school”).
Knott’s Berry Farm: This was a very exciting event. I felt I bonded with my new friends from COSMOS during this excursion. Being a senior and one of the older students at COSMOS, it was fun dictating taking charge of younger peers.
Beach: Being outside of my community bubble, I was surprised to see many people who were still hesitant when it comes to ocean. It was fun swimming out and playing ball out in the water while getting swept by the waves.
So that’s a short blurb about the first week. Let’s see what excitement will come from week 2.

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