Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Fantastic + Fabulous = COSMOS

Well, recently there has been a lot of criticism about COSMOS. However, it is not as bad as it sounds. Although there are a few adjustments to be made here and there, over all it is a FANTABULOUS program, and I would like to thank everyone who has made it possible.

We often tend to forget how much all of our RAs (Mike, Malou, James), professors (Dr. Gupta, Dr.Kim), assistants (Arash, Bridget), teacher fellows (Shirley), and everyone else involved do for us. I know that it can't be easy work: keeping 150 high school students busy. We should look at the positive side and appreciate their efforts and time so our summer can be worthwhile. Once again, thanks to everyone.

There has been a lot of controversy about movie night. However, I thought it was a great event, as I certainly needed a break from studying. Although an old movie, it was a classic and I could hear the whole hall having a good laugh. I am looking forward to enjoying at Poker Night this evening as well.

So, what have we been doing? Well, we are working on the USB or Universal Serial Bus Protocol. You'll be amazed what this common device can do! It's tough to program, but when it works, it's truly remarkable. I'm done with all the labs up to Lab 4, and only have 5 and 6 to go!

Today, my USB Flash Drive got corrupted and crashed (ironic?). But I think today is a lucky day, as I just found a backup on my laptop with all the important files. Also, on a side note, I am almost done with my 5 page report on self-driving cars. I am excited to work with my group on my final project and looking forward to my discovery project.

So in conclusion, I would like to thank the COSMOS staff from the bottom of my heart. I think you've been doing a great job, and I really appreciate it. I hope that you do not take this as a "suck-up" blog, but rather as a compliment, because I really do mean it. I cherish this wonderful expereince, and am sure this is a once (or twice for others) in a lifetime thing.

Thank You!

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