Friday, July 18, 2008

Off to Ireland

Wow! I can't believe that two weeks have gone by already. I have really enjoyed working with the COSMOS students and staff and am sad to say that I'll miss week 3 and part of week 4 of this awesome program as I am going on a family vacation to Ireland. Please continue to post to the blog so I can read up on the happenings of COSMOS while I am away (if I find cheap access to the internet). I have really enjoyed reading the blog as I participated in a summer program like COSMOS when I was 12 and can relate to many of your comments. I also enjoy reading all your comments about food, laundry, and dorm life because I see you are getting a taste of what college life can be like. Yes, food can get repetitive, laundry can be a chore, you may not be the best of friends with your roommate and you may have to spend most of your time doing hard homework instead of having fun, but in the end you're realize it was nice to have food provided for you, you'll appreciate who ever did your laundry for you before that much more, you'll find life long friends (even if they are not your roommate), and all that work you did will allow you to get a challenging, well paying job that you will hopefully enjoy. See you all during Week 4 and don't forget to email Arash and me your Final Lab Project Proposals.

<"}}}}>< (It's a fish!)


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