Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Response to "Response to 'A Blog'" and "A Blog"

"Maybe I just don't enjoy the crude humor as much as other people but I found it painful to sit in that room for the whole 1 hour and 48 minutes. And there was no alternates either. We were not allowed to leave to sit outside in the hall with the exception of the one kid who was smart enough to have brought his laptop over."
-Alvin S.

"To the Cosmos staff: can we skip events or activities when homework or personal interests in, for example, researching for a final project, are more important?"
-Isaac G.

I suppose my main problem is that I find many things besides homework to be more worth time than a movie that has a rather immature type of humor. I get it, some people like stupid-funny. I wish I could enjoy that kind of humor, for then I would have more in common with people my age who have seen the movies that I skip over. I talked to the one person who brought a laptop, and he enjoys this type of movie just as much as I do. I, however, did not bring a laptop to movie night. I brought the less obtrusive ipod-book combination. Then, about halfway through the movie, they turned the last of the lights off. From my position in the last row, I did not disturb anyone as I went out to the hallway. Nor had I been disturbing anyone by reading before the lights were turned fully off. However, I knew I would disturb the movie-watchers if I used my ipod as a book light. Light was provided in the hallway, as was supervision. Unfortunately, I was told that only those who brought laptops were allowed to sit in the hallway. So, what to do? I did not want to sit through a movie that would bore me to tears. I did not want to kick up a fuss, either. Eventually, I decided to go back into the temporary theater and watch a different movie on my low-lit ipod. I apologize for any rule that this action broke, as I was later told that nothing should have been done in the theater but large-screen-movie-watching.

I understand that it is difficult to plan multiple activities, and I thank the RAs for all their hard work in providing us with options. I just, simply, do not understand what happened last night. Why could a laptop user sit in the supervised hallway, but not a fiction reader? I feel like I am missing something, and this feeling is truly bothering me. I try to understand the thoughts behind actions as often as I can, and this was, and still is, puzzling to me.

I know that others have recently spoken of the restrictions on us. Although they bother me also, Malou, the RA for my suite as well as for our cluster, explained to me that some people have done wrong things that make the restrictions this tight, and that they will be loosened on all well-behaved students soon. It was nice to get a solid answer, and I know I am not the only person who appreciated this. Thanks, Malou!

Then, there was Mike’s speech this morning. I don’t know if it was a universal RA response, or if Mike was talking to our cluster in particular. Either way, most of us agree that we did/do not mean any offense towards RAs or anyone else when discussing COSMOS events on this blog, from food to movie night. We merely hope to express our feelings in the hopes of future improvement, whether for us specifically or COSMOS students to come.

PS - French toast rocks. Lots of love to the Cafe!

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