Friday, July 18, 2008

Half point already?

Unfortunately, the lab I was frustrated with on Wednesday never got completed...oh well. Wednesday night I played poker as one of the res life activities. Unfortunately, I played too aggressively during the tourney qualifier, losing quickly. However, during the play games that followed, I did quite well, brushing up on my Texas Hold 'Em skills.

Thursday morning, I did not go running, due to factors beyond my control. Instead, I ran about a mile around the ERC green, ran some stairs and did some ab work. Thursday morning, we had our Science Comm class with our teacher fellow, Shirley. We got a crash course in statistics, which was quite useful as I will be taking AP Stats next year. After lunch, however, we had a variation from the commonplace lab time. We filed into a lecture hall for several interesting speakers. First, a UCSD undergrad admissions officer spoke about the university and the reasons why one should attend. All of UCSD's accomplishments are quite impressive as the university is not yet even 50 years old. After the admissions officer spoke, a woman from the career services office at UCSD explained more about post baccalaureate career paths. She invited 3 special guests, a Biology grad student currently working at the Scripps Institute, and 2 fourth year UCSD School of Medicine students. As I aspire to attend medical school and become a surgeon, I learned a lot from the two med students. Following the speakers, we all received a 1 hour campus tour from the RAs. We saw most of the main sites, including the recently opened Price student center. After dinner last night I finished up a research paper. Then, for the res life activity time, I played inner tube water polo. I had never previously played water polo, but nevertheless it was very fun and refreshing.

This morning I ran with a few others around some of the dirt trails near the edge of the UCSD campus. We spent our morning in the lab, listening to a lecture about C programming. We then saw an example of embedded systems, a face detecting and musical camera. After a nice lunch, we worked on a CapSense, which is a touch sensitive strip on our PSoC device boards. There are several activities planned for tonight, then it is finally the weekend!


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